
Project: Anna progress 04

Anna update:

Here's a render of her with a cloth I modeled using first the cloth modifier. I then applied the cloth, and then started sculpting it in sculpt mode.

This render has a temporary background. I'm planning on adding a depth-of-field effect on her like what I added on Leila but this time with a different approach. I'll use defocus instead of using blur node. Let's just see what happens later.

In this render, I already added a bump and a ramp color on the cloth to make it look like a cloth. I added two bump maps; a cloud and a voronoi noise just to make the bumps look varying.

I changed the cloth color here and fixed her hair problems she had before this render, specifically right through the ears. Another flaw I wish to fix is the light blue outlining on her right shoulder. I'm still looking into fixing this problem. This is caused by the hair, I'm sure.

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