
Project: Leila progress 02

I've already finished the eyes. Here they are.
[eye render]

I'm planning to put Subsurface Scattering on them too like what the Blender team did to the rodents' and the bunny's eyes on Big Buck Bunny.

Big Buck Bunny BluRay cover
[Big Buck Bunny DVD cover]

[the rodents from Big Buck Bunny]

bunny from Big Buck Bunny
[bunny from Big Buck Bunny]

As you can see, their eyes look a little bit squishy. Some more texture tweaking and i believe i can make them look realistic enough. As for my eye models, they still don't have veins and normals. I usually add normals to produce a non-smooth surface to make the specular highlights bounce a bit off when viewed in a different angle.

As for the head, i've added eyebrows. This is the first time i drew the eyebrow texture straight to the head texture and added specular and bump maps to it to distinguish its material type, hair. Here is a render using the same camera angle with eyebrows added.
with eyes and eyebrows added
[eyes and eyebrows added]

I've also tweaked the face a little, specifically the nose. I wanted it to look a certain way but i couldn't. I don't know if you'll notice the difference, though.

Here's another render with a larger camera lens:
render on a different angle with larger lens size
[render on a different angle with larger lens size]

This angle looks pretty nice to me. I wanted to eliminate lens distortion that's why i increased the lens size. I changed it from the default 35mm to 50mm. I tried 80mm but it looked dull so i guess i'm probably staying with 50mm. I might do further experimentation on the lense sizes though so i'm not certain with it.

Next up: Eyelashes

Project: Leila progress 01

This is the first progress of my project. So far, i'm done modelling the face and i'm already in the process of texturing it. Here's the 3d view port render:

I worked on the edge loops around the eyes, more specifically the fold at the outer end of the eyes. I wanted to put that feature on her just to make it different this time. I've been working with almost the same edge loops since i started modelling faces.

As for the textures, i'm not yet done with the diffuse and the bump map. Here are some renders of them:
[with subsurface scattering]

[without subsurface scattering]

I just wanted to play around with Subsurface Scattering when i was finishing for the progress so that i won't have to tweak it later on. I'm not going to change the size of the model anyway.

I was looking for a certain tutorial about Subsurface Scattering, using it with the compositing nodes to produce a more realistic result. I know i've seen it in Blender's homepage but it was a long time ago. Digging it would be a tedious job. I just hope that i can find it. I'm still not that well acquainted with Texture Nodes so it'll also be great help in understanding some aspects of it.

Anyway, this is it for now. Thanks for reading! :)
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