
Project: Leila progress 03

I've modeled the tearbuds and tweaked the face to improve the topology. Here is a sample render of it:
tweaked face topology with tearbuds added
[tweaked face topology with tearbuds added]

I wanna add a certain feature on her face, the one that Reese Witherspoon has. She has this small bulge just below her lower lip:

[Reese Witherspoon]

I've tried to make it look similar but i had a different result. You can see it on the image below:
tweaked face
[tweaked face, different camera angle]

Here is another angle. I've tweaked it a little more, particularly the eyelids part:
with eyelashes

And now i've finished the eyelashes. Here's a sample render in the same angle:
eyelashes added
[eyelashes added]

The eyelashes are made from particle hair. I just duplicated a part of the eyelids and separated it from the head mesh. I then grew hair on it. I had to rearrange some faces of the duplicated faces to make the eyelashes point to the right direction. After tweaking, i edited the particle hair by cutting and pulling control vertices to get the desired result.

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