
Project: Leila progress 04

Here's a render without diffuse. I just had to do this because the diffuse map is getting in the way when i observe the bump map.

Render Without Diffuse
[render without diffuse]

Here's another render. I applied raytrace transparency instead of z-transparency to the eye lens. I want to see which is better and, obviously, raytrace transparency yields better results.

Raytrace On Eye Lens
[Raytrace On Eye Lens]

After a while of constant observation, i realized that the diffuse map is still missing something. This image shows an improved diffuse map. I added some reddish parts on her cheeks and nose as well as on the bridge of her nose just to add a little flavor. :)

Fixed Eye Lens
[fixed textures]

This next render shows a tweaked model, specifically her chin. When i look at her from certain angles, her chin becomes excessively prominent and i don't want that so i rearranged the vertices to shrink it. Here is the result.

Tweaked Face
[tweaked face]

Here's another render of her tweaked face topology with wireframe:

I had to do this because I wanna see how the topology goes.

Here's a render with a smile on :)
[render with "smile" shape key]

I don't think I'm going to use this shape key, though. I just want to add it to see how the edge loops will react if she smiles.

Here's the latest render so far:

This is a render with SSS and raytrace ambient occlusion. If you look at the left side of the face, you'll see an abrupt outline there, some white dots occurring. I don't know what causes that, I've encountered that before in Blender 2.49. I think It has something to do with raytracing turned on while using strand rendering. I'm still trying to look for possible solutions on this.

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