
Project: Leila progress 05

I've changed my setup after the last render I made from progress 04. I changed the Fill Light to a Hemi from a Spot Light. Here's the setup:
[setup, render from 3d viewport]

Here's the result of this setup:
[render with Hemi Light added]

I like this particular render because the Hemi Light made the faulty shadow in her nostrils disappear. I still don't like her hair though, it needs a lot of work. Just figured out how to make the hair particles follow a curve, by the way. At least, just before the hair post in progress 04. :) I haven't been doing my homework on hair particles that I've grown rusty of using it.

I'm planning on tweaking the face topology i little more because her chin isn't really looking right. She has a male chin from my perspective.

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